Passing on the Game
Comfort in Chaos before Great Execution
On the surface of our summer league, you may just see a bunch of kids running around at play. That’s good, because it’s exactly what we want. And yet, we want more. Ideally, I want to see a bunch of kids running around learning how to really...
Summer #6 – Let Them Get Lost (And teach along the way)
Teaching through Free Play During my playing career, I often had to get settled into a new city and/or country. One of the most difficult things about settling into those new cities was finding your way around. I would typically start with someone driving me around...
Summer League – #5 – Encourage them to Shoot it!
In everything I write, I typically point out that if we want our kids to improve, they must have opportunities to stretch their boundaries. Indeed, they must be encouraged to try new things and take new risks. Whether we realize it or not, most of our kids have been...
Summer Leagues – #4 – 4-on-4 Teaching Points
This post is specific to our 4-on-4 and 5-on-5 (w/ shot clock) leagues, which typically involved players from Grades 5-9. Learning while at play is the most powerful kind of learning. But in order to learn well, it is essential to keep it simple. Too often we overload...
Summer Leagues – #3 – 3-on-3 – Encourage the Dribble!
Developmentally, this post is specific to our younger players in 3-on-3. Grades 1-4. I find great joy in watching kids creatively and happily play the game of basketball. Capturing the imagination and getting lost in the game are the keys to a fun experience at their...
Summer League – #2 – Make More Decisions
The games you play shape you more than the drills you do. It is not that the drills are unimportant. They are very important. I give plenty of time to them as a coach, but play is the foundation. Play is the essential that makes drills worth something. The games your...
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