Centred Basketball – Program Partnership
Creativity / Improvement / Experimental Season
Historically, summertime was playground time. It was the opportunity to get outside and to experiment with your game in a variety of settings. There was the competitive playground where you played with players from different ages and backgrounds and levels. There was also the opportunity to spend time at an open court working on a new skill or a move you learned that day. Our summer programs are designed to be fun and engaging in the spirit of the playground. The younger the player, the more creativity and play are emphasized. Older, more mature players, naturally are ready to get to work to prepare for a coming season. But even those players (I dare say, especially those players) need the time and space to create and to play.
3-on-3 Summer League – Grades 1-4
This “league” gives young kids the opportunity to play the game in a simple and free-flowing fashion. We play “full court” and adjust a few of our rules on the basis of age/ability. We limit the amount of restrictions in order to promote as much creativity and fun as we can. We have found that kids do not care about the rules and regulations as much as adults tend to. Nor do they care about the score. They want to engage with the game, to figure it out, to just play. This is their opportunity. (To read more or see our kids in action, click here.) You can also learn more about our summer league in these videos.
4-on-4 / 5-on-5 Summer League – Grades 5-10
These “leagues” are also designed to promote as much freedom and creativity as possible during each session. Play consists of 4 12 minute quarters. We keep score, but reset at each quarter to promote greater creativity. We do not keep standings or award championships. The goal is for kids to take more risks, to develop different skills, and to engage with the sheer fun of the game. All these things go hand-in-hand and you cannot find them in more competitive environments (which we also encourage of course). When you want to win, you play to your strengths. And that is fine in it’s proper context. But you also need the opportunity to just play. This is their opportunity to do just that. (Articles and videos explaining our rationale and showing kids in action can be found here.)
Communication plan
– Summary emails for registration.
– Introductory emails
– Organizational help/training
– Weekly emails to parents clarifying why playing this way works.
Possible programs?????
Basketball School
This four day camp for boys and girls (sessions for Grades 1-9) will encourage the fundamental skills of basketball in a fun and challenging environment. Each day of camp typically consists of an hour focused on fundamental skill development, an hour of learning basketball concepts through small-sided games, and an hour of full-court play/competition through our Olympic Games. It is certainly one of our most enjoyable weeks of the year.
Just Play Camp
Our “Just Play” camp is the ultimate embodiment of our summer focus on freedom and experimentation, but it goes beyond the basketball. Kids today do not have enough opportunity to own their own games, call their own fouls, pick teams, change things up, etc. This camp is designed to empower the kids as much as possible and to teach them various and engaging ways to play the game on their own terms. We play 1-on-1, 2-on-2, 3-on-3, full court, half court, you name it. We teach the kids a variety of games and the basic rules of the playground over the first 1-2 days. We then empower them to switch things up in a semi-controlled format, so that they can own it and enjoy it on their own terms. Most kids call this their favorite camp of the year. A few videos showing the kids in action can be found here.)
Keep things Sharp Season
We value playing other sports, so we do not view the fall season to be overly intense, but it is still the opportunity to stay sharp. It is also the opportunity to focus in on certain skills or concepts, especially for kids who do not play a sport in the fall or for more experienced individuals looking to make their respective middle school or high school teams. Our fall programs reflect this emphasis.
3-on-3 / 4-on-4 Half Court Program – Grades 3-8
Our 3-on-3 Half court league is focused on introducing and teaching offensive concepts and terms. This is an 8-week curriculum running each Monday night for boys & girls in Grades 3-4 / 5-6 / 7-8. The design is to teach various concepts through half court play. We begin with a focus on spacing and movement in general and then move to particular scoring actions such as passing and screening away, ghost screens, ball screens, fade screens, elbow actions, dribble hanoffs, and more.
The hour consists of an introduction to 2 offensive concepts or scoring actions designed to teach players the “language” of the game. Players then play in a controlled setting using these actions and terms over a 20-25 minute time frame time. Our final 30 minutes consists of 2 15-minute Fiba-style 3-on-3 or 4-on-4 games. This is the opportunity for free play, with the goal of implementing the various actions they have been taught. It is an action-packed hour the helps young players gain greater mastery over basketball terms and actions. You an find out more and see kids in action in this video.
This fall program is also the ideal opportunity to train volunteer coaches for the winter. The teaching methodology used in this program is what youth coaches should use during the winter months to teach their teams the game. Each basket will have both a volunteer and coach in training.
Communication / Coaching Plan
– Pre-event training for coaches & any volunteers
– Pre-event emails/video explaining the program itself
– Weekly emails to participants with the focus for the week and possible support video
– Organizational Training for site-supervisor
Skill Development Groups
For our older players (Grades 5-6 and 7-8), we offer select small groups designed to focus on skill development in a decision-rich environment. These sessions typically run for 60-70 minutes with no more than 20 participants (depending on gym size). These groups focus on the basics of ball-handling and shooting, while also giving players the opportunities to use those skills in the context of small-sided games.
The Real Basketball Season
This is the time to enjoy the game and to compete. Specifically, you want to learn various concepts, but in such a way that you can apply them to a game. Depending on your age, winning matters more or less (and it’s often less than we think), but it still matters when you are keeping score. So you play to your strengths. You find how to fit into and contribute to a team.
The degree of organization and competitiveness depends on the level of the player. The younger the player, the more important it is to create a free play environment. The older the player, the more important it is for them to play for their team and against other communities.
Our winter programs fun as follows.
3-on-3 League – Grades 1-4 (Divisions of Grades 1-2 & 3-4)
This “league” gives young kids the opportunity to play the game in a simple and free-flowing fashion. We begin with 15 minutes of basic skills and warm-up and then move into our full court 3-on-3 . We adjust a few of our rules on the basis of age/ability. but we limit the amount of restrictions in order to promote as much creativity and fun as we can. We have found that kids do not care about the rules and regulations as much as adults tend to. We also must remember that they learn the game best (and learn to love the game most!) in the midst of actual, messy play! They want to engage with the game, to figure it out, to just play. This is their opportunity. (To read more or see our kids in action, click here.) You can also learn more about our summer league in these videos.
Communication plan
– Summary emails for registration.
– Introductory emails
– Organizational help/training
– Weekly emails to parents clarifying why playing this way works.
– Organizational training for site supervisor
Centred Basketball Winter Leagues
Grades 3-4 – 4-on-4 Basketball League (3-5?)
– Soccer has it right. They make gradual progressions based on the physical limitations of the kids involved. More advanced players in Grades 3-4 are ready to play 4-on-4 (ideally on smaller courts). 4 8 minute quarters are played with one referee. Teams must play man-to-man defense. Developmentally, these rules are approriate and serve to engage young players in more meaningful basketball activity. Two less players on the court enables all players to be involved in the action and for more baskets to be made.
– Centred will register teams and individuals for the winter, while also partnering with neighboring communities to play both home and away games. (Bellefonte, Penns Valley, Duncansville, Lewistown?, others?). Each season will consistet of 12-15 games with no playoff. Teams should consist of a maximum of 8 players.
(Incidentally, if possible, we recommend more advanced players in grades 3-4 playing both 3-on-3 and 4-on-4 in the winter.)
Grades 5-6 – 5-on-5 Basketball League
– 4 8 Minute quarters. Normal high school rules for fouls.
– Man-to-man defense only. Full court man-to-man is allowed anytime the game is within 10 points.
– Standings are kept. Season consists of 12-15 games with an 8 team playoff.
– If possible a 30 second shot-clock is used.
Grades 7-8 – 5-on-5 Basketball League
– 4 8 Minute quarters. Normal high school rules for fouls.
– Defensive rules – Must play two quarters of man-to-man defense (full & half court allowed). Other two quarters, all defenses are allowed. If up more than 20, you must play half court man-to-man.
– Standings are kept. Season consists of 12-15 games with an 8 team playoff.
– If possible, a 30 second shot-clock is used.
Communication/Coaching Plan for Winter Teams
– Preseason coaching clinic (2?) with Brian Scholly & I (ideally)
– Emails twice a month to volunteer coaches re: teaching philosophy & drills ideas using Basketball Immersion
– Two to three emails a month to parents focused on the rules of the game and why they are so important to players’ long-term development.
– Rules & Game Sheets for coaches and referees
– Long-term – can we hire a coaching director?
Club Season / Development Time
March Madness 3-on-3
A fun round-robin half court 3-on-3 tournament in the midst of March Madness.
Skill Development Groups
For our older players (Grades 5-6 and 7-8), we offer select small groups designed to focus on skill development in a decision-rich environment. These sessions typically run for 60-70 minutes with no more than 20 participants (depending on gym size). These groups focus on the basics of ball-handling and shooting, while also giving players the opportunities to use those skills in the context of small-sided games.
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